How to book

We accept reservations online through homepage and by phone.

Gojiraiwa Kanko【Utoro】TEL +81-15224-3060

Fares / Schedule

Cource (Schedule) Adults 6-12yo Childen Children Under 6yo
Course Shiretoko Cape
(6/1 -9/30)
13,000 JPY 6,500 JPY FREE
Course Rusha
(4/28 - 10/20)
8,000 JPY 4,000 JPY FREE
Course Mt.Iou
(4/28 - 5/31,10/1 - 10/20)
6,000 JPY 3,000 JPY FREE

Book Now

Please choose the date and course.

※Please ensure the avaiabilities before making reservations.

Please notice that

※Extra services are upon request online or by phone.

Number of Participants

13y up 6 - 12y 0 - 6y
person(s) person(s) person(s)

Please fill in this form as a contact person if you have multiple participants.

*Please do not enter Japanese phone emails in case mails are missing .

*Just in case, please leave the phone number that we can reach you on your cruise day.

Your accommodation and path to our office

Transportation facilities

Other requests

You can change your seat anytime after boarding. Since the order of boarding is decided by the order of reservation, when it is your turn to board and it is raining, most people tend to stay in cabin. If it shows「△」on our reservation calendar, that means there may only be seats exposed to the rain left (open deck on 2F and deck with rooftop on 1F) (the boat shades for 2F is not available in windy days). The cruises depend on the weather conditions. It will be very cold and windy at sea, and waves are unavoidable, so it is recommended that you wear windproof and waterproof clothing from top to bottom to avoid getting sprayed. You can also rent raincoats (for free) at the office.

Here's a quick survey.

We would like to know your preference on winter activities.

I've participated Drift-Ice Walking.
I've taken Nemuro Strait Cruise.

If you are craving for Shiretko's yummy seafood...

We are selling fish and marine products online now.
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Notifications of Reservation
①For a certain group of people, please make one reservation only.

To re-confirm your reservation, please contact us the day before your cruise.
Please contact us before 17:00 of the day before your cruise date at〈0152-24-3060〉
Your reservation might be canceled if we did not receive your re-confirmation by email or phone in time.

※For passengers overseas, you are welcome to re-confirm through e-mail(
If there are no changes in the details of your reservation, please email us with the message “The reservation remains as it is.” to complete the final confirmation.

②Tickets are also available at our office. However, very few guest could board without reservation in advance during busy seasons i.e. July and August.

We highly recommend to make reservations. No cancellation fees or extra charges for re-scheduling.
Please inform us if you would like to cancel your tour before the cruise date.

③The order of boarding follows the order of reservation. But the elderly, disabled, pregnant, and the injured are prioritized. Please let the staffs know if in need.

Kamuiwakka No.55 Max of 55 persons (30 indoor seats)
Kamuiwakka No.88 Max of 82 persons (45 indoor seats)

Button will show up when you finish all the must items. The reservation is not sent yet.

We accept the following payment methods.